A word from your language expert
“Technical translation isn’t nearly as dull as you might think. On the contrary, all kinds of fascinating elements come into play. You have the chance to track the entire life cycle of a product, from the initial design sketches to delivery documentation, within a wide variety of sectors and using special software, document structures and formats.
The terminology also has to be right on the money in texts like these, which often encompass multiple areas – over and above the strictly technical section – in the same text: legal disclaimers and software, for example. This means an extra tip of the hat to the all-round professionalism of the translators, because not only do they master the linguistic aspect, but they also have a firm grasp of all kinds of machinery and technical topics.
A successful outcome in a project like this often demands a close working relationship with the customers, which is an aspect of the work that I really enjoy.”
Team Lead Project Management