World Translation A/S Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Data processing

We process personal data and have therefore prepared this privacy policy which explains how we process your personal data. When you visit our website, you simultaneously accept the contents of this privacy policy and the other topics mentioned in the policy.


Processing of personal data

We use data about you in order to improve our service, to assure the quality of our products and services, and to facilitate our interaction with you.

The data we use comprise:

  • General personal data


Automatically collected data

Data can be collected automatically on our website – either directly by us or by a third party on our behalf – with a view to providing you with the best possible service. Cookies and click stream data analysis are examples of this kind of data collection. For details, see our Cookie Policy.


Information you actively share

We process data that users have actively shared with us. Examples of such data include:

  • email address, phone number and postal address.

This may also be information you share with us when signing up for our newsletters. You can find out more about signing up for our newsletters and how to unsubscribe in Section 3 below. Processed data could also consist of information we receive in connection with enquiries to or from our sales or customer service departments.


We only process relevant and necessary information

We collect and store data about you for specific reasons and for other legal, commercial purposes. This may involve: (not a comprehensive list!)

  • Completion of orders for our services
  • Order processing and communication in connection with your order or other enquiries
  • Dialogue about our services
  • Adaptation of content in digital solutions
  • Opportunity to participate digitally in customer surveys
  • Confirmation of your identity in communication with us

If we have your express consent, or if you are one of our existing customers, we may contact you via the information you have provided for the purposes of sales, marketing, advertising and analysis. We may also contact you with relevant offers, information and the like. We never pass on your information to a third party partner without your express consent, unless such a third party partner is assisting us with the execution of relevant initiatives in connection with these purposes.


We only process necessary personal data

We only process data about you that is relevant in relation to the purposes defined above. The purpose is crucial to the type(s) of data about you that is relevant to us. The same applies to the scope of the personal data we use. For example, we never use more data than that we need for a specific purpose. In addition, legislation may stipulate what types of data it is necessary for us to collect and store for the operation of our business.

We want to be sure that we only process personal data that is necessary to each of our specific purposes. For this reason, our IT systems are designed to collect only the necessary volume of data. We also have systems in place which automatically ensure that the processing of this data is not overly expansive, and that the storage period is not too long. In order to guard against the risk of unauthorised parties gaining access to your data, we similarly apply solutions which automatically ensure that only relevant members of our staff have access to the data. The system is likewise designed to guard against the risk of an unlimited number of people gaining access to data.

We regularly check that the information about you is correct, and we update it as and when necessary. As we are dependent on having accurate contact information for you, we would ask that you inform us without delay if any changes occur. When the information about you is no longer relevant, it is deleted.



In order to ensure that your personal data is well protected in our systems, we have adopted a number of internal regulations that contain instructions and other measures to prevent your data from being destroyed, becoming lost or falling into the possession of non-authorised parties. When you contact us with a request to have your data corrected or deleted, we check whether the relevant conditions have been fulfilled, and if so, we perform the appropriate corrections or deletion as soon as possible.


You are entitled to have access to your personal data

You are entitled, at any time, to have us inform you of which data about you we are processing, where it comes from and what we use it for. You may also ask how long we store your personal data, and who receives information about you. On request from you, we can inform you about the data we process about you. Access to this data may, however, be restricted out of consideration for other people’s privacy, trade secrets and intellectual property rights. You are also entitled to have information corrected if you believe that it is inaccurate. If you think that your data is no longer relevant to the purpose for which we collected them, you can request to have them deleted. In addition, you are entitled to object to the way in which we process your personal data. If such objections are justified, we make sure to remove the relevant data about you. You can exercise your rights by contacting us directly. You will find our contact details at the start of this policy.


Updates to the policy

We strive at all times to comply with the prevailing legislation, including the principles concerning privacy and data protection. We therefore regularly update this policy to accommodate changes in the applicable legislation, etc..

This privacy policy was last updated on 19 February 2019.

Contact information:

This website is owned and published by:

World Translation A/S
Gammel Viborgvej 9A, 8381 Tilst, Denmark

Company Reg. No. (CVR): DK28680546

Phone: +45 86 20 48 48