New possibilities with artificial intelligence in translation

We have been using machine translation based on artificial intelligence in the translation industry for many years. Deep learning translation and neural networking give the machines the ability to understand and translate small pieces of text in a meaningful way. However, generative AI, the newest form of artificial intelligence most are familiar with such as ChatGPT, has opened up some completely new possibilities.

Now, we can give the machine special instructions, so it delivers specialised content rather than generic responses. In addition, the machine can process larger chunks of text at a time to ensure consistency across sentences and paragraphs.

The benefits of AI in translation services

Ever since the first type of machine translation was launched, it has been possible to translate large amounts of text quickly. The difference with this new and advanced AI-powered translation tool is that, in addition to providing the machine with a text input for it to translate, we can now also instruct it how to translate.

When translating with generative AI, the language style, tone of voice, and terminology can be adapted to the individual customer and text type. We can add a termbase that the machine uses intelligently, and, because the machine can handle large quantities of text at one time, we ensure consistent terminology and language usage throughout the text.

Thus, some of the customisation work that usually follows a machine translation is already done in advance, saving both time and resources.

Technologies and tools

At World Translation, we are excited about translation technology and use machine translation whenever it benefits our customers. Whether or not we use machine translation and which machine we use depends on various parameters such as the language combination, the type of text, the target group and the delivery time.

We use the best providers available on the market for language translation AI and continuously follow new developments in translation software. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is great for certain types of text, while generative AI is great for others.

Regardless of which type of machine translation we use, it is fully integrated into our existing systems and processes, allowing us to use our effective quality assurance tools and access previous translations stored in the customer’s private translation memory.

Combination of AI and human expertise

The advantage of combining AI and human expertise is that the better the output from the machine, the less time the translator has to spend correcting actual errors – and the more time that can be spent polishing a text and ensuring high quality.

Another less obvious benefit is that the translator can critically examine both the source and the translated texts. Our clients do not always have linguistic specialists in-house, so sometimes this is the first time the source text is reviewed by an expert trained to spot lingustic inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Translators can not only detect errors, ambiguities or shortcomings in the source text, but they can also spot cultural bias and linguistic nuances that the machine has not taken into account in the translation. The norm in one country and one language can be quite different in another. Issues can arise, for example, with how gender-neutral language is handled, and humour and common expressions in one language can fall flat or sound downright strange in another.

Without the benefit of a human eye, any flaw or cultural bias in the source text will be reproduced by AI in the translations.

Security and privacy

At World Translation, we prioritise data security. When we translate using neural machine translation, all data is encrypted using TLS encryption. The data sent for translation is not stored by our providers but is only stored during the translation process itself.

In addition, we only use suppliers that have data centres in Europe. For example, when using OpenAI’s GPT machines for translation, all data exchange occurs through API; OpenAI does not use data sent via API to train their machines.

World Translation employs advanced security measures to protect customer data during the translation process.

Innovation and development

In the light of these new advantages in technological development, World Translation has invested in an employee to investigate, test, and implement new tools and technologies.

We have also played a major role in the development of the new GPT integration on our Language Portal, where we can fine-tune GPT models so that the output is tailored to a particular customer or text type. We invest continuously in research and development to stay at the forefront of AI in language translation.

Contact us for our services using AI-powered translation tools

Contact us today and discover the benefits of our AI-powered translation services. Our advanced technology, combined with our experienced native-language translators, ensures you get the highest quality translations tailored to your needs.

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