A world of languages
This page presents some of the languages we work with most often in various combinations.
These are just a handful of the languages we translate into, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need a text translated into languages other than these.
A great many! Right now, we translate into 75 target languages in 250 language combinations. And our range of languages is expanding all the time.
This is one of the big advantages of our model, which is based on a global network of freelance translators: every time a new need emerges, we recruit a language specialist who has what it takes to handle it.
A number of parameters determine the cost of a specific translation.
These include the type of text, the language combination and the size of the Translation Memory we have built up for you.
We always quote you the best possible price based on these parameters.
We work primarily – and most regularly – with companies active in the fields of transport & logistics, software, data & IT, robot technology, agriculture, industry and trade & service.
However, we cover many more areas than that, and we have translators with a variety of specialities on our books.